Class Catalog
0 Period - Fall - Apologetics
Period: High School: Felipe Soto
0 Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)0 Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall0 Period - Spring - Apologetics
Period: High School: Felipe Soto
0 Period - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)0 Period - Spring - Study Hall
Class ID/#: SHPeriod: Study Hall
1st Period - Fall - Advanced Biology: Anatomy & Physiology
Class ID/#: HSSBPeriod: High School
Instructor: Gina Pena
1st Period - Fall - American Sign Language (ASL) I/ II
Period: All Upper Grades: Lupe Flores
1st Period - Fall - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades1st Period - Fall - High School Biology
Class ID/#: HSSBPeriod: High School
: Courtney Wootten
1st Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)1st Period - Fall - Pre-Algebra
Period: Middle School: Taira Dinsmore
1st Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall1st Period - Fall - Watercolor I & II
Period: All Upper Grades: Felipe Soto
1st Period - Spring - Advanced Biology: Anatomy & Physiology
Class ID/#: HSSBPeriod: High School
Instructor: Gina Pena
1st Period - Spring - American Sign Language (ASL) I / II
Period: All Upper Grades: Lupe Flores
1st Period - Spring - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades1st Period - Spring - High School Biology
Class ID/#: HSSB—Thur Period: High School
: Courtney Wootten
1st Period - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)1st Period - Spring - Pre-Algebra
Period: Middle School: Taira Dinsmore
1st Period - Spring - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall1st Period - Spring - Watercolor I & II
Period: All Upper Grades: Felipe Soto
2nd Period - Fall - Drawing I & II
Period: All Upper Grades: Felipe Soto
2nd Period - Fall - ELA Secondary (B)
Class ID/#: HSLPeriod: High School
: Gina Pena
2nd Period - Fall - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades2nd Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)2nd Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall2nd Period - Fall- Math Pre-Calculus
Period: High School: Taira Dinsmore
2nd Period - Fall- United States Geography
Period: Middle School: Mary Huber
2nd Period - Spring - Consumer Math
Period: All Upper Grades: Peter Story
2nd Period - Spring - Drawing I & II
Period: All Upper Grades: Felipe Soto
2nd Period - Spring - ELA Secondary (B)
Class ID/#: HSLPeriod: High School
: Gina Pena
2nd Period - Spring - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades2nd Period - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)2nd Period - Spring - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall2nd Period - Spring- Pre-Calculus
Period: High School: Taira Dinsmore
2nd Period- Spring - United States Geography
Period: Middle School: Mary Huber
3rd Period - Fall- British Literature
Class ID/#: HSLPeriod: High School
: Gina Pena
3rd Period - Spring- British Literature
Class ID/#: HSLPeriod: High School
: Gina Pena
3rd Period - Fall - Algebra I
Period: All Upper Grades: Taira Dinsmore
3rd Period - Fall - American Sign Language (ASL) III
Period: High School: Lupe Flores
3rd Period - Fall - Elective - TENTATIVE
Period: All Upper Grades3rd Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)3rd Period - Fall - Spanish II
Class ID/#: MSLSAPeriod: All Upper Grades
: Jesse Spradley
3rd Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall3rd Period - Fall- Physical Science (B)
Period: Middle SchoolInstructor: Mary Huber
3rd Period - Spring - Algebra I
Period: All Upper Grades: Taira Dinsmore
3rd Period - Spring - American Sign Language (ASL) III
Period: High School: Lupe Flores
3rd Period - Spring - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades3rd Period - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)3rd Period - Spring - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall3rd Period - Spring- Spanish II
Class ID/#: MSLSAPeriod: All Upper Grades
: Jesse Spradley
: Perla Grochowski
3rd Period- Spring- Physical Science (B)
Period: Middle SchoolInstructor: Mary Huber
4th Period - Fall - American Sign Language (ASL) II
Period: High School: Lupe Flores
4th Period - Fall - Geometry
Period: High School: Taira Dinsmore
4th Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)4th Period - Fall - Spanish I
Class ID/#: MSLSAPeriod: All Upper Grades
4th Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall4th Period - FALL ONLY- Baking
Period: All Upper Grades: Diane Bolan
4th Period - FALL ONLY- Dance
Period: All Upper Grades: Whitney Warren
4th Period - Spring - American Sign Language (ASL) II
Period: High School: Lupe Flores
4th Period - Spring - Geometry
Period: High School: Taira Dinsmore
4th Period - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)4th Period - Spring - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall4th Period - Spring ONLY - Theatre
Period: All Upper Grades: Valerie Skinner
4th Period - Spring- Spanish I
Class ID/#: MSLSAPeriod: All Upper Grades
5th Period - Fall - ELA Primary (B)
Class ID/#: HSLPeriod: All Upper Grades
: Amanda Vilchis
5th Period - Fall - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades5th Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)5th Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall5th Period - FALL ONLY - Government
Period: High SchoolInstructor: Pam Peters
5th Period - Spring - ELA Primary (B)
Class ID/#: HSLPeriod: All Upper Grades
: Amanda Vilchis
5th Period - Spring - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades5th Period - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)5th Period - Spring - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall5th Period - Spring ONLY - Economics
Period: High SchoolInstructor: Pam Peters
6th Period - Fall - Algebra II
Period: High School: Taira Dinsmore
6th Period - Fall - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades6th Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)6th Period - Fall - Physical Education (PE)
Period: All Upper Grades: Coach Bobby Barrera
6th Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall6th Period - Spring - Algebra II
Period: High School: Taira Dinsmore
6th Period - Spring - Elective - Tentative
Period: All Upper Grades6th Period - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)6th Period - Spring - Physical Education (PE)
Period: All Upper Grades: Coach Bobby Barrera
6th Period - Spring - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall6th Period- Fall- Intro to Psychology
Period: High School: Amanda Vilchis
6th Period- Spring- Intro to Psychology
Period: High School: Amanda Vilchis
7th Period - Fall - High School Student Council
Period: High School: Pam Peters
: Jesse Spradley
: Sondra Rangel
7th Period - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)7th Period - Fall - Study Hall
Period: Study Hall7th Period- FALL ONLY- Health & Nutrition
Period: All Upper Grades: Courtney Wootten
Period: 3rd\4thArt
Period: Kinder\1stArt
Period: 5th\6thArt
Period: 2ndChapel & Choir
—Thur Period: 3rd\4thChapel & Choir
Period: Kinder\1stChapel & Choir
—Thur Period: 5th\6thChapel & Choir
Period: 2ndElementary Theatre
Period: 3rd\4thElementary Theatre
Period: 5th\6thElementary Theatre
Period: 2ndElementary Theatre
Period: Kinder\1stFlat Stanley
—Thur Period: 2ndLiterature
—Thur Period: Kinder\1stLiterature
—Thur Period: Kinder\1stLiterature & Math Games
Period: 3rd\4thLiterature & Math Games
Period: 5th\6thLunch
Period: Kinder\1stLunch
Period: 3rd\4thLunch
Period: 5th\6thLunch
Period: 2ndLunch - Fall - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)Lunch - Spring - NOC
Period: Not on Campus (NOC)Opening Prayer & Flag
—Thur Period: Kinder\1stOpening Prayer & Flag
—Thur Period: 3rd\4thOpening Prayer & Flag
—Thur Period: 5th\6thOpening Prayer & Flag
—Thur Period: 2ndPE
Period: Kinder\1stPE
Period: 3rd\4thPE
Period: 5th\6thPE
Period: 2ndScience
Period: 3rd\4thScience
Period: 5th\6thScience
Period: 2ndTUESDAY- Fall- Honors Physics
—Tues Period: 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM,: Lauren Gibbins
TUESDAY- Spring- Honors Physics
—Tues Period: 01:00 PM - 02:30 PM,: Lauren Gibbins
Upper School Devotion, Opening Prayer and Flag - Fall
Period: All Upper Grades: Rob Beggs